Sunday, November 21, 2010

Creating antimatter - way to enlive StarTrek?

     Recently, scientists from European organization for nuclear research (CERN) in Switzerland conducted an experiment in which they successfully created antimatter for 0,1 second. This time was long enough to study it and take pictures of it. It was just 38 atoms of antihydrogen which were made stable for a very short time in vacuum. As you might have known, antimatter is exactly the same as matter but with one exception: it has reversed spin of its electrons. Therefore, it should have very different behavior, but this is still the subject for further studies.

You might now ask: ''Why didn't scientists take up this experiment before?'' Well, the answer is pretty easy- When antimatter meets matter, there is a phenomena called : ''Anihilation of matter'' by which is both matter and antimatter destroyed and huge amount of energy is released. So, there is a need to create a pretty good vaccum in order to eliminate this phenomena. (I hope you know from physics that creating a COMPLETE vacuum is impossible, like creating perpetuum mobile)

There is a big question about antimatter, because it casts doubt on a widely-accepted theory of creation of the universe : The Big Bang Theory. Ultimately, scientists agree that by the Big Bang theory was created exactly the same amount of the matter as of the antimatter. The question is: why the antimatter disappeared or it is somewhere really well hidden from us? The nature probably chose to do so, but we don't know why.

This experiment is a big step for nuclear scientists, because it has opened way for comparison of the matter with the antimatter. This can have further effects, because with the knowledge of the antimatter,we could better understand to our universe.
Also, it is good news for every fun of StarTrek. Generally, in StarTrek during year 2063 was invented a new type of engine, which could reach a speed above the light speed limit. This engine was called Warp engine and its fundamental part was connection between matter and antimatter resulting in Anihilation and big energy gain.
The picture above is a Warp engine designed by some Star Trek fun.
Hopefully, with this engine begin we travelling the space more efectively, probably meeting UFO or other extraterrestrial life :-)

Sources : Czech newspapers: Mladá Fronta Dnes

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